For many companies, it is a challenge to convert the function of an activity into a home office. One of the main goals is therefore onboarding, the professional training of a new remote employee.
With “take on board” companies pursue the goal of informing their remote employees about the limits of their area of activity. As part of this, they should in particular become familiar with the internal processes and their interactions. Also what behavior is expected of you in relation to company policy and the work environment.
The following practices have been developed for a successful onboarding strategy.
Table of Contents
Toggle1. Organize and develop an onboarding plan
-This documented process should be given to future remote employees before starting work. In addition, this process should be repeatable and consistent.
The onboarding plan should include goals through the first week. It can take the form of a checklist. Such a to-do list is effective because progress can be tracked. These ‘checklists’ should also be available to employees in the home office in the correct order.
2. Introduce the company to the new remote employees
Almost every company faces a unique challenge when it comes to bringing new remote employees on board. This is partly because there is no physical office. However, that does not mean that it is not possible to do this virtually.
The challenges of “onboarding” can be easily mastered through virtual communication. Some ways to connect with each other are virtual tours, meetings, and presentations. Companies can send detailed documentation, videos, and presentations about the values and norms, the history, and about the entire team.
3. The team should also introduce themselves
Remote workers cannot experience the interaction of a typical office environment. The nature of their work can make them feel isolated in the home office.
During the familiarization process, however, remote employees can be guided through the office hierarchy one after the other. They can be introduced to the various team members via video or audio calls and various real-time communication applications. This way they feel included and part of the team.
4. Explanation of the most important tools
Working from home also requires the use of several programs that are crucial for the functioning of the company. Remote workers have to log into dozens of apps that they may not be familiar with.
One of the best ways to get off to a quick start with new remote employees is therefore to familiarize them with the necessary tools and to provide them with access to data and options in advance.
Tip: Sending detailed guidelines before onboarding speeds up the training of remote employees considerably.
5. Teach the corporate culture
For new employees who are hired on site, conveying the corporate culture is almost a matter of course. However, it is difficult to transfer this to employees in another location.
When integrating remote employees, it is essential that effective communication is maintained. One way to introduce new employees to the corporate culture is through group meetings, daily check-in of the team leader, and reporting.
Regular team meetings between remote and office workers, as well as progress reports and updates from the CEO, are some of the activities that can motivate employees working from home.
6. Plan regulation in the onboarding process
Working from home means you can be distracted easily, It is, therefore, very important that remote employees follow a plan. In this way, the company can ultimately evaluate the efficiency and success of their onboarding process.
By evaluating the goals set in the onboarding plan, it can be ensured that remote workers are making progress. In addition, management should meet with their remote employees from time to time, both on a professional and personal level.
When the CEO, manager, or even the HR team checks in with their remote workers, they feel involved, involved, and more determined.
7. Joint learning and feedback
The biggest problem with remote workers is participation. For this, special plans and strategies that are relevant for employees working from home should have been drawn up.
The most important job is to keep them motivated and engaged. It can be incredibly useful for the whole team to learn from one another on different opportunities and activities. It can also be emphasized here how important motivation is during training.
Feedback at the end of a certain period of time – for the company as well as for the employee – offers the opportunity to assess how effective the onboarding process has been.
Statistics show: over 69% of employees are likely to stay with a company for the long term if they receive a successful onboarding.
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